Saturday, October 30, 2010

Foyer Pics plus...

Afternoon all, time for another update. This one will focus mainly on the new foyer. I realised most of the pictures had concentrated on the main structure, so here we have a few from inside, taking a look around.

First of all this is the view through where the old kitchen was. I am taking this photo with a good amount of space (the current foyer) still behind me... so as you can see, it is bog... those stairs look a long way away don't they!
If you are coming out of the Children's Centre rooms, this is the view of the foyer you would see... just out of shot to the left is the new entrance into the Chapel. And directly ahead is the old kitchen space (where I was to take the previous photo)

And another view in the foyer. This one looking from the back wall towards the new front doors. Again, this gives a sense of space.... the new reception desk will be along this wall on the right.
And this view is looking from the front door, back from where I had just been!

And this is the extent of the new kitchen being built where the front entrance was. The door is on the left and the hatch is one of two hatches there will be. The other will give access to the main hall, this one will serve everyone in the foyer.

And from the other side of the wall, you can start to get a sense of the size of the new kitchen.

This is what the outside of the Church currently looks like. You can see the rafters for the roof over the entrance, the tiles and roof lights are in place and the youth pod is looking good (the room above the word 'Baptist' in the picture)

If you drive into the public car park, no longer will you just see the end of a square box, but the entrance and roof will be visible...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Kitchen and Big Changes!

 Greetings all... time for a building development update...

First of all, the asbestos has been removed, the remaining steels have been fitted and the entrance is taking shape. As you can see there will be plenty of glass on the front of the entrance.

 And similarly from the inside there will be a 'panoramic' view

From outside it is now possible to catch a glimpse of how it will look... the roof is going on, visually joining the two buildings together...

And from the back...

The other change happening is the start of the work on the new kitchen.

Shortly, the current entrance will be fully blocked off! And with the new entrance not yet ready this means we have to be imaginative in how we get in to the church!

The Lounge / Room 1 / Mabel Weymouth Room / Bubbles Room / Old Creche Room / Front Meeting Room or however you know this room has been cleared ready for its transformation into the new kitchen.

Everything is gone!

So how will we get in? Well until we can get through the hall, this window will be removed and we can get through here, whilst Mark works on the area around the front door.

And this is what it looked like a week ago from my normal place of standing...
But as you can see from picture above, the timber roof has now been fitted!