Sunday, September 26, 2010

From the First Floor

A view of the entrance way, still slowly coming together....

But I thought we had had enough photos from ground level so for the rest of the shots I went 'upstairs'

Taken from outside the lift... this is the view of the roof above the main entrance. You can see it includes two big rooflights to ensure the front part of the foyer is naturally lit as much as possible.

Looking towards the front entrance... the roof you can see will shortly be removed to leave a wide balcony...

The scaffolding bars in the middle of this photo are roughly where the bridge will go - so that you can walk from the balcony to the Youth Pod.

And here is our first look at the youth pod - the floor level will go down, so it will be of significant size once finished...

And this is a view from the new flat roof. In this you can various parts of the design...
  1. Why the pitched roof to the right of the photo will be removed
  2. The width of the balcony - as wide as the entrance below.
  3. The size of the youth pod - the floor level will be the same as the floor you can see on the right
  4. How the extension of the roof will join together the existing roof of The Link and the square roof of the Front Hall.

And this one is - well its an extra one I took... but not quite sure what it shows!!!

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